Thursday 22 September 2016

Twin Flame Love Reunion

Our twin flame is our closest soul mate. We have other mates that are aspects of our soul, part of our soul family who are very much like us. Yet soul mates are never exact mirrors the way our twin is. The twin flame is truly our cosmic partner in spirit, who sometimes incarnates with us so that we can meet them in a physical body. Once a rare event, it is more common now due to humanity raising its consciousness.

There are multiple other aspects (soul mates) that arise from our soul, yet our twin flame is the closest to us and mirrors our exact soul characteristics and traits. They think as we think and feel as we feel. We tend to go through life feeling we are the "only one" or are unique.

Being with a twin flame is meeting that other aspect of self, one that reacts to events the same way we do; and that can be disconcerting! I had issues when my twin possessed my own uniqueness, he was the same as me. He would always say everything exactly as I was about to say it to a group, only he would beat me to it. He would literally steal my conversation and that was something I didn't really enjoy. Yet what is guaranteed with our twin souls is strong attraction and a deep spiritual connection, so there are plus sides to this relationship after some big adjustments regarding how we see ourself.

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