Thursday 24 November 2016

Palm Reading Psychic

Palm reading, otherwise known as palmistry or chiromancy, is practiced all over the world. It has its roots in Indian astrology and Roman fortune-telling.[1] The objective is to evaluate a person's character or future by studying the palm of their hand. Whether you're an aspiring palm reader or you're just looking for a fun way to pass the time and impress your friends, even you can learn to gain insight just by holding someone's hand.

For insight into your work life and how you present yourself to the world, focus on your dominant hand. To examine personal relationships, dreams, and emotional struggles, look at the other hand. Having trouble making out the lines? Cup your hand slightly under a bright lamp. Keep in mind: According to hand analysts, a less prominent line reflects an area of life that may need work, while a deeper one signals that the characteristic related to that line is strong and fully developed.

For females, the right hand is what you're born with, and left is what you've accumulated throughout your life. For males, it is the other way around. The left hand is what you're born with, and the right is what you've accumulated throughout your life.

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