Monday 5 December 2016


Judging by the number of hands painted in prehistoric caves it would seem that palmistry held a interest for humans since the stone age. Archaeological discoveries have discovered hands made of stone, wood and ivory by ancient civilizations.

Colour of the Skin in Palmistry:

The health of a person is often indicated by the colour of their hands. Dead white hands often indicate a lack of circulation. Pink hands are usually a sign of good health in palmistry. Red hands may indicate high blood pressure. Bluish hands indicate a sluggish condition of the circulation of the blood supply. The normal colour of the palm should be rosy and pinkish. The majority of hands will have the four major lines, the fate, life, heart and head line. Often young people come to see me seeking answers from palmistry about the right career choice. It most be noted that if a person is truly dedicated to succeed in a career choice they will even if their palms may disagree.

Palmistry does not take away free will. It is usually found that people who like to work outdoors have spatula fingertips. People with these spatula fingertips like to be constantly on the move. Over the years of studying palmistry I have also come to notice that these same people often are good inventors as well. It should also be noted that if they have an earth shaped hand they will like the countryside and often make good farmers or at least gardeners. These people like stability and become stressed in times of change. A full set of square fingertips in palmistry shows us the orderly methodical type of person. Found often in accountants.

Everything must be in its proper place with the highest degree of accuracy. The fingers tend to sit close together and the tips are smooth. Do you have a loop of seriousness on your palm. This loop sits between your ring finger and the middle finger. On women it usually indicates they are nurses or teachers. On men it can show business skills and success in life. A long middle finger will support this further. These people believe in getting ahead and im often pleased to find this loop on peoples hands in my study of palmistry.


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