Tuesday 13 December 2016

Sand Channeling Psychic

Channeling can basically be defined as the process of receiving and relaying information from an outside entity while in an altered state of consciousness. The consciousness level varies from individual to individual, from deep trance to a very light meditation-like state. It appears that the channeler must go into this altered mental state to get in "synch" or reach a compatible vibrational level with the entity to be channeled. Entities that people claim to channel are as varied as the channelers themselves - angels, demons, spirits, aliens, higher dimensional entities, dead relatives and friends, and even living people in some cases - the list is long and quite individualized.As virtually all of us have some psychic abilities to some degree, most of us are perfectly capable of channeling with a little bit of practice if we are so inclined.

Channeling can take many forms and is not just a trance-like state with someone lying on the couch and talking in a foreign language - which is how most of us picture it. Many of the psychic tools we are familiar with are actually forms of channeling, including psychic healing, automatic writing, seances, and ouija board usage. As anyone who has heard a ouija board horror story knows, channeling by inexperienced people can be a dangerous proposition. Having said that, a primer on how to prepare and seek out an appropriate entity is in order here.

To begin, there are two main types of channeling.The first is Trance Channeling, and involves basically going to sleep, relinquishing control of the body, and letting an outside entity take control, usually by speaking through the body and voice of the channeler. Upon awakening, the channeler has no recollection whatsoever of what transpired while he was out, and for this type of channeling to be effective, a 3rd party or a tape recorder should be at hand to record the material. The material that comes out of this type of channeling is generally quite clean and elegant, as there is little ego on the part of the channeler to interfere with the information being presented. Edgar Cayce provided us with a remarkable long-term example of trance channeling, as did Carla Rueckert, whose work resulted in the fascinating Ra Material.

The second and most prevalent type of channeling is Conscious Channeling. This is the origin of the Jane Roberts/Seth material, a compelling modern-day example of channeling. With this type of channeling, the channeler remains conscious and allows expression to be processed through his body. This is not the cleanest of ways to channel, as the material can be edited at will by the conscious channeler, but it is certainly safer than Trance Channeling, especially for beginners. Ouija boards, psychic healing, most seances, and automatic writing all utilize this type of channeling.

For Free Consultation Visit  :   www.shree-balajee-psychic.com

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